06 February 2017

IPTV all world m3u playlists super stable on VLC 06.02.2017 (tested)

super stable all World m3u playlists 06.02.2017 (tested).

Be*n sport.
BT Sport.
Nat géo.
And more.....

all world playlist1: adf.ly/1jOQfC

all world playlist2: adf.ly/1jOQjn

all world playlist3: adf.ly/1jLH0f

Best IPTV apps for android: https://www.up-4ever.com/eepfbg8rt86d

and for PC: https://www.up-4ever.com/dbf74ypazasl

How to Download :

click free download (téléchargement libre)=>insert the number code and wait until the count down finished=>click create download link=>click the link to download the file.

Pss: don't share the playlist to keep it stable.
IPMAGTV Web Developer

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