01 December 2016

IPTV Sport channels m3u (stable on VLC).

100% worked  Sport Stable iptv m3u  playlist channels (tested).

Bein sport.
Super sport.
AD sport.
Digi sport.
Canal+ sport.
And more.....

M3U playlist url:  DOWNLOAD M3U

How to Download : 

-On adfly: Wait 5 second and skip advertising on right top.

-On up-4ever: click free download (téléchargement libre)=>insert the number code and wait until the count down finished=>click create download link=>click the link to download the file.

(This IPTV playlists or URL are not Updated Note that we provide only Free m3u & xml Playlists , if it dons’t work that’s because they are expired.)

IPMAGTV Web Developer

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